Lanzotti kindly allowed us to
"interview" him on the 9th March
2004. This is the full transcript from the
B: Carlo, you have been
working hard to produce a suite of plugins
at Dynadream now for several years. Your
primary package, RealCloth, has been plagued
with delays. Can you tell us what contributed
to the continual delay for the release date
of RealCloth ?
C: Well, the main reason was due to the
fact that when i started developing RealCloth
i was totally new to the new API interface
of Realsoft3D.
Then over time I learned more, and got the
feeling with it and i decided to make the
plugin a little (a big...) more then a simple
cloth simulator, so i started developing
a system that would be able to handle more
complex simulations like garments on animated
characters, animated colliders and so on.
This slow downed the whole development process
but the result is actually much more than
I originally anticipated.
B: You have several other
plugins in the "DynAtomic" pipeline,
Real Wobble, Real Hair - can you give us
a rundown on each and what they do ?
C: Yes, they are respectively a semi-rigid-soft
body simulator plugin (RealWobble),
a particle system simulator plugin and an
hair simulator plugin (RealHair).
They can interact together without setting
up complex dependencies, simply create them,
define some properties, add some force field
if required and click the play button on
you Realsoft3D
timeline. The system will do all the work
for you: check for collisions, resolve them
and so on. Also you can do complex things,
like 'attach' a soft object to a cloth object,
or use a particle flow to move some objects,
fill an object volume with a thousand articles
and so on.
B: How does RealCloth
work ?
C: It relies on various techniques developed
by myself, i've not used any type of external
library-code. Describing the internal mechansim
would require a month ;)
B: You have finally got
your website online now - its looking terrific
too btw - how does the website integrate
into the software ? Will it be used as an
online help / FAQ ?
C: Yes, it will be the place for all the
user needs, actually i've setup a complex
system to manage bugs, beta tester feedback
and so on. People will be able to find tutorials,
materials, sample scenes and so on.
B: When you release your
products - will they be sold via CD or downloaded
from the web ?
C: Actually i've planned to sell it only
from the web. The main reason is tr cut-down
the additional costs that would inevitably
end up being paid by the end users. Anyway
the CD media are planned and if i get a
sufficient numbers of user requests i'll
start supporting this kind of distribution.
B: How does your simulation
"engine" differ from Realsoft's
standard collision detection system ?
C: Uhmm, i don't know how the standard
collision system of Realsoft3D
works in detail, but surely they are two
different things. Actually my collision
engine is able to handle point-triangle/edge-edge
collision with different type of collision
response based on the type of objects and
also it use some spatial subdivision tecnique
to speed up things.
I think that Realsoft's engine is made to
support different types of geometry (CSG,
NURBS, Subidivison and so on). They generalize
it's internal
algorithm i think with it's pro and cons.
My choice was to support any type of geometry
but with an independent internal representation.
B: What inspired you to
make these plugins in the first place ?
C: At the time Realsoft3D
V4 release was announced I had already some
kind of realtime simulator developed for
other applications. When i stopped using
to move forward (for professional reasons)
to other 3d apps i never forgot about it,
and when i saw that the new version was
released I was totally awestruck. Immeditately
I contacted peoples at Realsoft to ask for
making some useful plugins. And the story
B: What was your target
market for these products ? Consumer, Prosumer
or Generic ?
C: Big question, actually RealCloth
is comparable to those high end cloth simulator
software that claim to be the best made
in the world (with a cost of $2000/3000
per license). The same goes for the other
products, but it's a fraction of the price.
Surely my objective is the prosumer market,
but the support for the consumer market
will be adressed as well.
B: Have you ever discussed
integrating DynAtom into Realsoft ? (ie
not as a plugin)
C: Acutally no.
B: Many people are excited
about RealHair as a product. Can you tell
us what sort of functionallity you plan
on integrating into that package ? ie -
self collision, waving hair, std hair types,
blowing in the wind etc ?
C: This kind of simulation already exists
for RealWobble
as it can use NURBS for simulating 'fake
hair'. RealHair
will inherit all these things plus
some advanced specific tools for modeling
B: Why did you choose
RealSoft over some other larger mainstream
packages ?
C: Because i think it is the best developed-advanced
software on the market. But mainly because
it was the first 3d app i manage to use
in the nearly 80's. I still loving it and
i'll never stop to support it. I've to admit
that peoples from other software package
contacted me about a future planned of porting
my plugins to they'r software... Actually
i've answered every time: no, there are
no plans.
B: Kristian wanted to
know about goal weights and if it was possible
to paint these interactively onto a mesh
- eg firm parts vs soft parts.
C: Surely! All these features already exist
in the package, just look at the free plugin
i've released (SkinManger)
it already shows how 3d painting system
work for controlling weight and fidelity
for skin. The same will be for all, interactively
painting of weights, mass, stiffness and
so on.
B: Can particles act as
soft bodies ?
C: The internal engine of RealWobble
uses particles to simulate soft objects,
so - yes ! :)
B: What other packages
do you use for comparison purposes and why
C: Uhmm, sincerely i've never looked at
other packages except for those modules
that exist in Maya.
But it is difficult to make a comparison
because they use an entirely different approach.
B: Have you thought about
a pricing point for your packages yet ?
C: Yes, but none of them can be officially
announced. I can say that their price will
be very low compared to other similar software.
B: And what of other plugins
in development ? Can you give us a tease
as to what other ideas are going on at Dynadream
C: There are a lots of ideas and prototype
here, unfortunately i'm the only Person
that is work on such things.
I can announce that there is research into
an advanced fluid simulator... ;)
B: Many thanks for you
time carlo - and good luck with the plugins.
C: Thank you Bernie to give me the opportunity
to say some words here :)
Carlo, thank you very much for taking time
out to talk about Dynatomic
with us. We all wish you the best of luck
with the plugins and look forward eagerly
for their release.
other related articles - Interview
with Delta Engineering. Previous
interview with Dynadream